Guthix is God of Nature OSRS GP too so he could also kill half. Gods could destroy all of nature and then kill every living creature. Guthix may be half-dead. Guthix may also take out Zaros, which is what everyone is aware. However, he is returning. Guthix has more power than Zaros. I hope anyone who reads this will understand what do I mean, and help me in my quest to Return Guthix to Gielinor. If I've understood and believe that this is true, please include my character in your RuneScape friends list.
If he fabricated the entire The World Wakes scenario with Sliske's assistance and aide, then surely he passed away. Guthix was among the most powerful "normal" Gods. This was mainly due to his long exposure to Stone of Jas power, but it's reasonable to assume that he lost some of that power after many years of being isolated. Don't believe that he was strong enough to pull off such daring actions at the time.
I doubt that he survived death in the same manner as Zaros because of a few reasons. Zaros' body unlike Guthix's was removed from existence, most likely because Zaros in a desperate attempt to hold on to life at all costs turned his body into pure energy to avoid death.
Guthix was not affected by this, you can be certain. Gielinor also experienced other effects which proved that he passed away, such as the divination craters believed to be caused by the Anima Mundi's own grief for Guthix.
There is no equilibrium in rs gold 2007 the world at the moment, as the results of global events indicate. Chaos seems to be getting lots of attention from Order. It's been proven that balance in RuneScape does not involve fighting between good and bad, but rather between chaos and order. So so far Armadyl and Saradomin have both won their respective games, which means that order is leading by 2-0.