Enhancements and risk reduction Ws Numbers List strategies as possible. These actions will help to support an upper-range asking price for Ws Numbers List your business. Review your business operations to identify revenue Ws Numbers List enhancement and cost reduction initiatives you would take if the time was available.
If appropriate, develop a one to Ws Numbers List three-year Pro-forma financial statement and calculate a new value for your Ws Numbers List business based on the projections identified in the previous step. Use this new value as Ws Numbers List the asking price for your business if you believe your projections.
Are realistic and can be "sold" to a Ws Numbers List prospective purchaser. Prepare as much of the business profile as possible, within Ws Numbers List the time you have, to provide a strong sales prospectus for your business. A Business Ws Numbers List Broker will perform this service for you and you may want to rely on them for this. However, you will still.