You also gain ability to hurt Ogre Shamans, they can still hit hard, prayer is advised, and also to return to Yubiusk to either fight Orks, or to OSRS gold farm in its many farming patches as part of a"renovation attempt". Yubiusk is way bigger now, therefore the orks and the farming patches are far away from each other.
A Dramen Tree in Dorgeshkan. In case you've got 70 Farming, you can harvest Dramen Fruit, that will allow you to utilize Fairy Rings with no Dramen Staff. This doesn't apply if you're going to the Fairy Queen's Hideout.
Start your quest by talking to Commander Veldaban, at Keldagrim: Anything going on in Keldagrim lately?
Not much in town, Zachman3334, but I've received word of the Red Axe. Are you okay, Zachman3334? Oh, yes, I'm fine. What has the Red Axe been doing?
NOTE: If you have not done While Guthix Sleeps, your character will notice how"weak" Lucien is, and why they would be meeting with him. In case you have completed While Guthix Sleeps, then you will be alerted that Lucien is hoping to align with The Red Axe. The two variations won't be placed in the quest dialog, due to it being complex and confusing to buy RuneScape gold see, however they'd maintain the true pursuit.
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