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Candidate Reviews
A survey of all candidates currently on the Ecordia system was conducted recently. Here are some of the feedback comments from candidates.
I absolutely love using Ecordia – now I’m used to the system I think it is fantastic, easy to access and to keep on track with your work so you don’t get behind. – Emma
So easy to use. Picked it up straight away. – Matthew
Outstanding – Susan
It is a great platform for students to submit work and receive feedback from tutors! – Bhavisha
Great way of keeping up to date with progress and work. – Daniel
Brilliant way of delivering course and qualifications making it accessible at home. – Chelsea
Easy to navigate and refer back to criteria. I can see my progress at all times. – Mosas
The system is very easy to understand. – Jade
Ecordia has been amazing in helping me pass my course! Having everything so easily laid out made it quick to learn how to navigate the site and use it to its fullest potential. It was lovely to see the progress bar moving up as my course was continuing and gave me a lot of pride in my work. – Amy
I personally found the app and desktop versions both very easy to use. Self-explanatory and helped me get through my qualification smoothly. – Matthew
Very flexible. Perfect for working parents. – Chloe
Very convenient and easy to use – Nicola
It’s really easy to use and I don’t have to carry numerous folders around with me. Everything is in one place and I’m able to share my work with my tutor and mentor quickly and efficiently. I can see my progress at anytime and work and save in my own time. – Danielle
Ecordia is a great tool and very easy to use and upload documents. – Dan
Navigating around Ecordia learning page was really good! I had no issues with my course and I am now looking forward to doing my Team Leading & Management course – Faye
Easy to use and understand for both myself and my mentor who is also new to Ecordia. – Michelle
I was surprised (I am not great on computer) how easy the system was. – June
I have used Ecordia for three childcare courses at different locations and love it. – Katie
It’s user friendly and you find your way around easily after a few visits. – Shakilah
The course is great working with peers and sharing ideas is really helpful. The course topics are interesting and uploading to Ecordia is easy. – Danielle
Love to do my work on Ecordia, it’s so easy to access and so simple to use, you can easily have a look in each unit. Really helpful is the websites links to your unit. Happy to use it. – Neringa
Really helps me to stay focus and to keep track of my work. – Sam
I like how easily you can keep track of what work needs to be done and what work has been completed. – Adam
Very easy to use, emails that are sent to my email to make me aware that my assessor has commented on work that I’ve submitted for is very helpful. – Ellen
Ecordia is very easy to use, gives clear instruction as to where you need to upload work. I love how it tracks your progress too! – Zak
I am extremely happy with the Ecordia system and have had no issues. – Chiara
I am not great with computers but find Ecordia easy to follow – Michelle
Ecordia is really easy to use and manage my tasks. Clear where I am up to on my course and quick and easy to upload evidence types.- Gemma
It is easy to use, even for me who is not confident with computers! – Laura
Ecordia is set up so everything is easy to find and you can access it from anyway as it has an app too which is amazing. – Lucy
I love Ecordia. In my opinion it is a lot easier and better to understand than most online apprenticeship systems – Ellie
I like how easy it is to use and in my opinion it is clearly set out so there is no confusion as to what your looking at. – Ellen
I personally really enjoy the use of the progress bar to keep track of how far along your course you are, which is also very motivational. I like the way that I have the ability to get into contact with my assessor through Ecordia which makes things easier as all communications and course based learning is all in one place. – Emerald
Using Ecordia for my portfolio has been very easy to use, it clearly shows how much each unit is completed and how far along I have progressed. It is brilliant to see week by week how much progress I am making within my course and I haven’t had any problems using it myself over the years. – Hollie
Very organised system that is easy to use. Allows you to upload and communicate with your assessor very well. – Greta
Thank you for making the course as simple and easy to complete through the use of Ecordia. – Leah
Ecordia helped me with my course. I don’t believe there is any way it could be made easier. – Laura
There is nothing that I would change about Ecordia, I find it simple and easy to use. The progress bar is a useful tool to see progress. – Carol
I found the course to be motivational in its own self I was able to pick up work and complete within my own time frame. having the progress bar on the home page of the site helped motivate and understand my position on the course. The progress bar worked as an assessor, on how well I was working through the course. Thank you for making the course as simple and easy to complete through the use of Ecordia. – Leah
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